<最終更新>2003/10/12 23:46 解決しました!
記:2003年10月10日(金) 〜 2003年10月12日(日)
You should receive a response from us within 24 hours.
You can add information to or cancel your question through the 'Wizard Login'
tab seen near the top of this page.
情報を加えることができます。あるいはこのページのトップの「Wizard Login」タブから
Excite さまで機械翻訳を繰り返して、それらしい結果を得たものです。
送信日 :2003/10/10 23:30(日本時間) あて先 :http://uo.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/uo.cfg/php/enduser/home.php から「Ask a Question」 Product :Ultima Online UO Age of Shadows Category:UO Rules & Policies Exploitation/Illegal Items |
"packing crate"に関する問い合わせ The inquiry about "packing crate" 注意: ------
Pub 20 で修正された引越しコンテナについてです。 このアイテムの入手方法が「バグを利用した、不正行為ではないか」 一部では、アイテムを作成したプレイヤー(または所持している) ただ、私はまったく異なる話も聞いています。
これが事実なら、2つの異なる方法から同じ結果を得ている事になります。 日本ではこのアイテムと同じ物が、古くからレアアイテムと して扱われて 私は公式な回答を望みます。
========================================= |
WEB上 状態 :Solved 解決済み(確認日時 2003/10/12 23:44 日本時間) |
内容はメールと同じす。(下のメールを順番に4〜1、質問と並べたものです) |
E-Mail 1 受信日時:2003/10/10 23:43 内容 :受付された事を自動通知してきた。 メールによる更新方法。 |
Your Question has been received. You should expect a response from us
soon! あなたの質問が受け取られました。私たちからの応答をすぐに期待するべきです! Please
use the link below if you need to update your incident. You can also update
this incident by email, but you MUST enter your reply in the designated
space below, between the two lines. [===> Please enter your reply below this line <===] If your issue remains unresolved, please update this question here. |
E-Mail 2 受信日時:2003/10/11 00:09 内容 :サポート状況の報告(受付→第2レベルチーム) |
Hello! Thank you for contacting Ultima Online Game Support. Due to the nature of your question or issue, this incident is being
escalated to our second level support team. Someone from this group will
respond to you as soon as possible. Take care, |
E-Mail 3 受信日時:2003/10/11 03:49 内容 :サポート状況の報告(第2レベルチーム→第3レベルチーム) |
Hello! Thank you for contacting Ultima Online Game Support. Due to the nature of your question or issue, this incident is being
escalated again to our third level support team. Someone from this group
will respond to you as soon as possible. We apologize for the delay, rest
assured that we are doing everything in our power to give your help request
the attention it deserves, thank you for your patience. Take care, |
E-Mail 4 受信日時:2003/10/12 23:09 内容 :質問の返事 |
Thank you for contacting Ultima Online Game Support. We
apologize for any inconvenience that you may have encountered. At present it
is legal to obtain the item (Packing crate) in the method you have
mentioned. But the policy is subject to change in future and items acquired
through such a process may disappear in the near future. As far as the "■■■■" are
concerned, it is an Illegal item. Such items will be deleted from the game.
If you see any such items immediately report a GM. To request a Game
Master's assistance, press the HELP button on your paper doll. Select
“Other” on the first help menu page, and “Other” again on the next page. You
will then be prompted to enter a brief description of your problem. At this
point type in: "I found an illegal item (■■■■) in the game, GM please have a
Take care, |
記事関係者諸氏、メールくれた方、USサポートチームの方々、ありがとうございました m(__)m
Copyright(C) RainyLain 2000, 2003